1.- Study cell division in sto observe the mitosis through micromatic cells.

2.- Learn the methods oscope.

3.- Recognize the four main phases of mitosis.


- The process of cell division: mitosis and cytokinesis

- Mitosis phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.

- The chromosomes as hereditary physic unit.

-Preparation of meristematic subapex tissul.


-Onion bulb



-Petri´s plate


-Dissecting needles


-Bunsen burner

-Filter paper

-Absorbent paper

-Distilled water

-Orcein A


1º Some day before we keep an

onion bulb over a full glass of tap

water, keeping the bulb roots in

contact with water.

2º Then, we cut one rootlet at the

base and put it on the petri´s plate.

3º We eliminate the two

millimiters from the apex to

remove the cap.

4º We cut very thin sheets,

we wash with distilled water

to remove the residual


5º We place the cuts into the

Petri´s plate which we have

added a few millilites, of

Orcein A. We let stain for:

10 minutes.

6º We heat the watch glass in the

burner flame without boiling. If the

preparation is dried we add droplets

of Orcein A.

7ºWe placed the sample

with the tweezers on

the slide and add a few

drops of Orcein A

8º Cover with a

coversilp and press

the preparation

with filter paper.

9º Observe under the microscope,

starting with low magnification

and then use larger lens.

10º Identify the various

stages that characterize

the cell division and the


Match columns A and B, name and order each sentences.


2 Why is the purpose of using A orcein in our experiment?


To answer these questions go to this webpage: www.cellsalive.com




3 Where are chromosomes placed during methapase?


4 How many daugther cells originate?




5 In which phase do chromatids and chromosomes get a part?


6 How many chromatids have chromosomes during the prophase?




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Cell division observation in plant cells